The FLOSS Manuals Foundation

Google Summer of Code Doc Camp - a partnership of GSoC, Aspiration and FLOSS Manuals

This is a call for proposals for the 2013 GSoC Doc Camp. Individuals and projects are invited to submit proposals for the GSoC Doc Camp to be held at Google's Mountain View headquarters in California from October 14 - October 18.

What is it?

The GSoC Doc Camp is a place for free software communities to meet, work on creating a book for their project, attract new people to their efforts, and share their documentation experiences. The camp aims to improve free documentation materials and skills in free software projects and individuals and help form the identity of the...

We are happy to announce new manuals in FLOSS Manuals that have also been translated into Farsi for the Internews Europe, Human Rights Connect project.

The first is...

I wanted to write a quick post outlining the process of a ‘course sprint’ to share with some of the communities that I’m involved with including the P2PU, School of Open and the FLOSS Manuals community. I think this methodology can be of use to emerging groups of on-line educators creating open education resources (OERs) about Free Culture and Free Software.

The  course, ’Look at Open Video’, was created for the School of Open as part of a ‘course sprint’ which tool place at the ...

and when I say didnt exist, I mean…no title, text, images, covers were started until Tuesday….

GSoC Doc Camp Books – Evergreen, Fontforge, Etoys as paper and electronic books (kindle, android, iPad).

On Monday Dec 3 we started the second GSoC Doc camp – bringing together 3 free software projects to hold a 2 day unconference and 3 day Book Sprint.

It was a tremendously successful event, helping to reshape how each  group understood their documentation and the role it plays in supporting and promoting free software. We settled down to


At the beginning of November, I travelled to Edinburgh to attend Remediating the Social, the culmination conference of a three year European research project, ELMCIP (Electronic Literature as a Model for Creativity and Innovation in Practice).

I was invited to speak on a panel titled "Writing Together Differently", as a consequence of my involvement with The Digital Manual (a research project related to ELMCIP). In this capacity I have multiple hats on -...

(This is a translation of the French FM newsletters; French-speeakers may wish to visit the French FM site).

Hi all - Welcome to all new subscribers to the Francophone FLOSS Manuals list.

This mail out brings you a few of our updates.

>> We have now have an online bookshop -
>> This is also embeded in our home page -
>> The home page also gets an additional column listing the printed books available.


In tre giorni, dal venerdi 19 alla domenica 21 ottobre 2012 abbiamo tradotto collettivamente il Floss Manuale di Scribus.

Ringraziamo di cuore i partecipanti che sono venuti a Brescia al Centro Arte & Tecnologia e coloro che hanno partecipato a distanza! Abbiamo fatto un'ottimo lavoro!

Alla fine dello sprint, 20 dei 27 capitoli sono stati tradotti, un capitolo non è stato ancora tradotto e per sei capitoli il lavoro di traduzione non è ancora terminato.

Si tratta ora  di:

  • finire le ultime traduzioni,
  • rileggere il testo,
  • aggiungere (e tradurre) le immagini,
  • pubblicare il manuale online
  • ...

Google Summer of Code in collaboration with Aspiration and FLOSS Manuals is hosting a "Doc Sprint Camp" at Google's Mountain View headquarters (California) Dec 3 - 7, 2012.

The 2012 Doc Camp will feature:

1) An unconference on free software documentation topics - facilitated by Aspiration

2) 2-5 Book Sprints to produce books on free softwares - facilitated by FLOSS Manuals

Building on the success of the 2011 GSoC Doc Camp we are proud to bring you the 2012 GSoC Doc Camp. Like the previous event the 2012 GSoC Doc Camp is a place for free software communities to meet, create a book for their project, attract new people to...

FM News 2012-08

1. FM used to design a challenge for P2PU.
2. News from the global communities.
3. FM tips.
4. Digital Manual Scoping Study involving FLOSS Manuals.
5. Editors note.
6. Spotlight - VLC.

FM used to design a challenge for P2PU

Mick Fuzz has spent some time over  the last 2 months reworking material from FLOSS Manuals into a workbook to be used in a P2PU (Peer 2 Peer University) challenge. P2PU is a website devoted to open education ( A P2PU challenge consists of a series of learning steps...

At the Video 4 Change gathering one of the things I was thinking about was  trying to understand of how emerging networks could best use Book Type to manage their strategy & training resources. Book Type is the software we use for the FLOSS Manuals community.

Skip to the end for some recommendations but I feel like it’s a bit early for concrete requests. I think more clearly presenting what we currently can offer to educators is the low hanging fruit rather than moving on to other needs and features.

Beyond the Book...
