Firefox in a Nutshell and Etherpad Manuals in English and Farsi
We are happy to announce new manuals in FLOSS Manuals that have also been translated into Farsi for the Internews Europe, Human Rights Connect project.
The first is a summary of Firefox with a focus on security and offline use. The second a short guide to the collaborative writing tool Etherpad.
We hope that these manuals can help new users to find out and master these fantastic Free Software tools and to be of use to projects and organisations that already use them to better train their colleagues to get up to speed.
The project builds on past work to provide high quality manuals on the FLOSS manuals Farsi platform. The new manuals were created using the BookType collaborative writing platform developed by SourceFabric. As such the final work can be released in a variety of formats.
Firefox in a Nutshell |
Etherpad |