The FLOSS Manuals Foundation

One-Stop Shopping for Open Source Manuals

by Sam Dean - Jul. 05, 2011

(Original article here)

Every so often, we at OStatic compile documentation and guidance resources for popular open source platforms and applications, and one of the best ongoing projects for producing free open source-related documentation is FLOSS Manuals. It's an ongoing and ambitious effort to build online guides for open source software that we initially covered in this post. FLOSS Manuals provides reference resources for titles such as OpenOffice, Firefox, Audacity,...

Recently we transferred the UpStage user manual to FLOSS Manuals. This was something I'd been meaning to do for ages, but I was waiting for the revamped media management part of the software to happen, since that will require a major edit of the user manual. However, I finally decided to stop waiting and just get on with it, so the UpStage User Manual that you can now find on FM describes the system that we are still using - but not for much longer ...

The good thing about this is that when we do have the new media management system ready to go,...

The reviews are coming in for the translation of "Make Your Own Sugar Activities!" that a large and dedicated team just finished.  Here's one:

I don't speak the language, but the picture really says it all!

[PRESS RELEASE] Please Circulate

Call for Proposals
Google Summer of Code/ FLOSS Manuals Doc Camp
This is a call for proposals for the 2011 Google Summer of Code Doc Camp. Individuals and projects are invited to submit proposals for the GSoC Doc Camp to be held at Google's Mountain View headquarters (California) 17 October - 21 October.

The GSoC Doc Camp is a place for documentors to meet, work on documentation, and share their documentation experiences. The camp aims to improve free documentation materials and skills in GSoC projects and individuals and...

We were a bit slow getting a news letter going...took 3 years but a good read now that we have it...

To subscribe to it send an email to me:


The 5th Newsletter from FLOSS Manuals!

You might have thought we were asleep, tired, or retired since the last Newsletter was in early May. No no...far from it. We have been too busy to send out trifling things like newsletters ;) News is big in FM land - we have had something of a change in our operations with the addition of some amazing new tools to help collaboration and many many other things... this is what we have been up to...

 May 16, 2011 - 12:31pm | By Seth Schoen

Documenting Tools for Beating Internet Censorship

(original here)

Network censorship and surveillance is a booming business. Censorship schemes continue to fragment the Internet and new censorship proposals are constantly introduced around the world, including in liberal democracies. (Lately governments have gotten fascinated by the idea of forcing ISPs to censor particular sites from the DNS, so users can't...

FLOSS Manuals strikes again

(original here)

FLOSS Manuals is a collection of (free and open source) manuals about free and open source software together with the tools used to create them and the community that uses those tools. Contributors to FLOSS Manuals have a created terrific new book called ...

I’m currently in Berlin doing a ‘Book Sprint’ on the subject of ‘Open Web’. I haven’t got a clue what I”m going to write about in fact none of the participants do. We start with just a title, in this case ‘open web’ and collaboratively plan a structure, ideas, and then get writing.

The only clue so far is this from Stephen from Transmediale festival who has worked with Adam from...

Creating a library of FLOSS Manuals

With so little documentation on most FLOSS, one site aims to help us help ourselves. But why do so few applications have manuals to start with?

By Amy Vernon on Fri, 05/14/10 - 7:03pm.

The work by FLOSS Manuals to develop gather and develop "free manuals for free software" continues apace, but some continue to wonder just why documentation for open source software has been so relatively rare

I read a few posts about this over the last few days, but no one touched on what I think has got to be...
