FLOSS Manuals's Booki is now Booktype

Not too long ago, we told you about our exciting new partnership with Czech-based organization Sourcefabric, which is at the cutting edge of media and technology. We are now pleased to announce the fruits of our collective labour: Booktype. The new and improved, free and open source, online collaborative publishing platform.

This platform enables any one or (group of someones!) to produce beautiful, engaging books formatted for print, Amazon, iBooks and almost any e-reader within minutes. With this powerful tool, users have the tools in their hands to bring their creative visions and useful information into bookform and work to engage audiences build communities around their content. We are continuing to work together to build the capabilities and reach of this platform, and we will be sure to keep you up-to-date on the latest developments in this exciting new phase of free and open source collaborative self-publishing. Stay tuned.

More details here: