A book sprint on Libre/Open Fonts in Rennes, France

From November 5 to 9, a book sprint is taking place in Rennes (France), organized by FLOSS Manuals Francophone (FMFR)

7 authors are gathered to write a free books on Libre/Open Fonts:

  •  Frank Adebiaye (Bénin / France)
  •  Denis Jacquerye (Congo R.D. / Belgique)
  •  Cédric Gémy (France)
  •  Pierre Huyghbaert (Belgique)
  •  Boureima Kinda (Burkina Faso)
  •  Murielle Souryis (France)
  •  Nicolas Spalinger (Suisse / France)

This book sprint is facilitated by Elisa de Castro Guerra.


Workshop on Documentation Strategy and Practice for TEH network

I was asked by Adam from Floss Manuals, if I could facilitate a workshop on Documentation for the TEH network in Bordeaux in late Oct 2011. I was keen to do it, partly because I was travelling through that part of the world in a small camper van and was happy for a break in a hotel, and partly because the idea of teaching a day long workshop on distributed and collaborative documentation was a good incentive in itself.

Interesting Links on Collaborative Documentation

Great insights (incites?) as always from Andy Oram from O’Reilly this time about the difference between traditional book writing and collaborative authoring.

There’s also some thought provoking stories on the Out of Ink project website from the Network Cultures people.

Google Summer of Code Event Marks the Start of Four New Books On Free Software


October 25, 2011

(Palo Alto, California) Google Summer of Code Event Marks the Start of Four New Books On Free Software

From October 17th to 21st, members of various Google Summer of Code (GsoC) projects gathered, along with others from the worlds of publishing and software, for a collaborative documentation event known as the Google Summer of Code Documentation Sprint.