Open Street Map manual now available in French

FLOSS Manuals Francophone is proud to present the first book in French about OpenStreetMap, available (of course!) under a free license (Creative Commons BY-SA).

This books hopes to increase the reach of OpenStreetMap in French speaking countries, thanks to a clear and well structured documentation, that tackles:
What is collaborative cartography and why should I contribute? How can I contribute, collecting data in the field with or without a GPS, with Potlatch 2 et JOSM? How can I use the OpenStreetMap data: share maps, download data on my GPS device...

The English version of the manual was written during a Sprint Conference hosted by the Google Summer of Code Documentation Sprint, in October 2011.

The collaborative translation into French involved : Guillaume Allègre, Elisa de Castro Guerra, Emmanuel Dewaele, Fabien Giraud, Brice Mallet, Jean-Bernard Marcon, Vincent Privat, and was facilitated by Anne Goldenberg.