GSoC Doc Camp Projects Announced
For 5 days in October the Google Summer of Code Doc Summit, organized together with FLOSS Manuals, will bring together four documentation teams from open source projects, guest speakers, and free documentation 'free agents' to discuss everything and anything concerning the free documentation of free software. The event will feature a two day unconference and a three day Book Sprint. During the Book Sprint each project will produce a Book ready for distribution in print and electronic book formats. The event is an ambitious project. Not only are unconferences about free software documentation scarce, never before has a Book Sprint been attempted with four projects working simultaneously on their own book. It’s going to be an extremely interesting and challenging event. Free software documentation has often been a very low priority for free software projects. Often the documentation suffers from common flaws including:
- no documentation existing at all
- assumptions about the user's knowledge are set too high
- poor navigation
- unexplained jargon
- there is no visual component
- the documentation is proprietary or 'closed'
- the format is unreadable
- no translation workflow
- operational steps are missing, unexplained, written 'from memory' or state how the software 'should' operate
- the documentation is out of date, not easily re-usable or not easily modifiable.
It’s going to be a great event.