FLOSS Manuals Offers New Documentation for Cool Tools

(Ostatic) FLOSS Manuals Offers New Documentation for Cool Tools by Sam Dean - Oct. 13, 2011

FLOSS Manuals Offers New Documentation for Cool Tools

by Sam Dean - Oct. 13, 2011

(Original article here)

On a regular basis, we at OStatic compile documentation and guidance resources for popular open source platforms and applications. After all, one of the most common critcisms of these platforms and applications is lack of official documentation. One of the best ongoing projects for producing free open source-related documentation is FLOSS Manuals. It's an ongoing and ambitious effort to build online guides for open source software that we initially covered in this post. Recently, the site has added documentation for some projects that may interest you.

Jubler. Do you create and work with video files, perhaps using tools such as VLC Media Player? If so, you may be interested in Jubler, a FOSS tool for creating and translating subtitles that you can use with Linux, Windows or Mac OS X. (It uses MPlayer for playback.) FLOSS Manuals has a visual guide to getting started with Jubler, available here.

BlueGriffon. OStatic has covered tools for web developers and editors a number of times. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine Mozilla used in Firefox for years, BlueGriffon is an open source, cross-platform web editor with outstanding WYSIWYG interface options. You can use it on Linux, Windows or Mac OS X. Because it's based on Gecko, BlueGriffon is especially good for building pages that will look great in Firefox. Check out FLOSS Manuals' visual tour of BlueGriffon, here.

Chromium. You may very well use Chromium as your browser, and if you do you're in luck. One of the newest guides on FLOSS Manuals is a complete guide to Chromium--the open source core of Google's Chrome browser. The guide walks through the differences between Chromium and Chrome, provides installation guidelines for all major operating systems, and much more. For more on manuals you may be interested in from FLOSS Manuals, see this post.
