FLOSS Manuals at the EIDHR Forum in Brussels
FLOSS Manuals, represented by Sacha Van Geffen and Laurent Giacobino, participated in the 2012 Forum of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), that was held in Brussels on May 7-8.
This event gathered more than 200 organizations from around the world working on the defense of Human Rights in the most difficult situations. FLOSS Manuals followed with interest the sessions focused on the European agenda to guarantee Freedom of expression and freedom of information on the Internet, and to protect the digital security of high-target citizens such as Human Rights defenders and members of civil society organizations in closed societies. A higher than ever emphasize was put by the European Commission on the spreading of technical tools and knowledge to circumvent cybercensorship and enhance digital security of Human Rights defenders.
FLOSS Manuals will use both the inspiration provided by the forum and the many contacts established to continue putting its shoulder to the wheel, notably with more works in the direction of the "How to Bypass Internet Censorship" and "Basic Internet Security" manuals.
More soon...